Coping with spam from China
If you have ever had a Wordpress MU, Wordpress Multi User, site using buddypress than you will quickly discover that there is software being used in China to automatically locate and spam ...
If you have ever had a Wordpress MU, Wordpress Multi User, site using buddypress than you will quickly discover that there is software being used in China to automatically locate and spam ...
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering what I could possibly be talking about... Well, one of my IRN's has been unintentionally trained by my wife, to be a hat and a ...
Is Oanda a company you should be doing business with? That is a question you will need to answer for yourself. My previous articles on the Forex market clearly show my opinion ...
Indian Ringnecks aren't nearly as smart as most people think; they are more like 4-year old children. Some can talk, some can't, but they can all be tricked. We found trickery to ...
Were there ever days that I was this ashamed of being an American? I thought President Obama was the biggest threat to the U.S. and democracy I've ever seen, but it turns ...
Let me first clarify that I am not a republican. I did at one point consider myself a democrat, but Hillary Clinton was the democrat that I supported for the 2008 election. Many ...