Mass has perpendicular polarity

Ralph Ritoch

I’m going to stick my neck out a bit and make this statement as a fact because I haven’t been able to find any evidence to the contrary.  I currently believe that mass has perpendicular polarity. Have you ever wondered why planets are mostly circling the sun in a disc (coplanar) when there are 3 spatial dimensions they could be traveling in?  We see this same geometry in spiral galaxies also.  For the past few years I have had this theory that mass had some kind of polarity, what I’ll call perpendicular polarity, pulling more in one direction than the other.

I’ve tried searching for an explanation for this on the internet as to why so many things in the universe are coplanar but I could never find a rational explanation. Google claims it is because the planets were formed by a disk of dust in a plane, which doesn’t answer the question, it just passes responsibility along to the dust because there is no explanation why the dust was in a plane. I had this fleeting notion that gravity must be pulling more in one direction than the other. It is the only thing that could explain why so much of the universe has a coplanar geometry.  The way I envision the process is like this.  Imagine your floating in space near two massive bodies, one twice as massive as the other. You are going to be pulled more towards the larger object. This is going to ultimately align all objects in the area to be closer to the larger object. This process will cause these polarities to align so if the earth didn’t bulge in the center but bulged through the poles and the sun itself bulged in the center, over time the poles would be pulled towards the center.  By this process of gravitational alignment, lunar systems like Saturn’s rings, solar systems, and many galaxies end up with the largest proportion of their mass being in coplanar orbits.

This was my theory but I’m not a physicist so there really was no point in making a big deal about it, but recently this idea seems to be much more important. The information released about the recently detected gravitational waves is that they are compressing space more in one direction than the other, and then reversing. This aligns with my original theory so I’ve decided I should publish the theory here so I don’t end up 20 years from now being in a position where I’m made to look crazy because I’m claiming I knew this 20 years ago.  The reason I believe the data on gravitational waves is proving my theory correct is that they are saying that this process of collision of two singularities caused waves which contracted space in one direction while expanding it in the other and vice-versa.  With lack of graphical skill I’ll explain this as simply as possible. Imagine there are two earth sized planets about to collide, and you hop on the nearest spaceship trying to get away. While the planets circle each other your spaceship will have the most gravitational pull on you when they are aligned and both pulling you in the same direction, but when they’re side-by-side some of the pull from one is canceled by the other. This process, in itself, only explains expansion and contraction in one direction, not two directions, but if each of these planets were already pulling you more in one direction, say direction A, than direction B where B is the direction pulled when the planets are aligned, then you would be pulled more to A when the planets were side-by-side, but pulled more towards direction B when the planets are aligned.  This can only be explained if gravity, and therefore mass itself, has a perpendicular polarity which pulls more in one direction than the other.


So it turns out this post was a waste of time, Einstein already defined this difference in directional mass as relativistic mass. To put it plainly the force from mass is dependent on motion and since everything is in motion at the quantum level unless at the impossible temperature of absolute zero the mass of anything will have some amount of perpendicular polarity based on it’s direction of motion.  Sorry for wasting your time reading this article but it took me a very long time to find this information.