My Christian Tantra
I want to confess that I temporarily hid my previous post about nudity because I didn’t want to risk mixing my personal and professional life. I realize that while common, it is selfish. In the interest of full-disclosure I was also a bit worried about the government “calling my bluff”. I’m now married so even if I was legally allowed to show myself online, I’m not sure that I would.
Now for what I want to say about tantra. I have been studying tantra causally ever since I learned about it nearly 20 years ago. Unlike nudity, tantra is all about sex, sexual health, and psycho-sexual health. I believe pure tantra, as taught for centuries, is contrary to God’s will because it isn’t natural. The “pure” tantra is sex without orgasms, without completion, and for the purpose of using sexual energy for things other than pleasure or procreation. If you are a man or woman who can’t have sex for more than five minutes without completion than your sex life can be improved by learning to control and prolong your sexual experiences, but if you are to the point where you can have sex for more than 30 minutes than the release is important. That release is how we procreate, and give up all control to Love and God.
It is completely natural and healthy to melt with your partner after the release, and it is completely selfish to run away as soon as you received the pleasure you were seeking. Sex is meant to lead to a union, which is why we have marriage. I’m not saying that you can only have sex inside the confines of marriage, there are many important people in this world who were born outside the confines of marriage. What I am saying is that sex is meant to be a bonding experience, even if that bond isn’t meant, by God, to last a lifetime. This isn’t an invitation to hedonism, it is simply the truth. Hedonism by it’s very nature is selfish, and tantra is about balance, a balance between giving and receiving that when done correctly forms the perpetual bond of marriage.
These insights are not from the bible, and are issues Jesus didn’t talk much about, so calling this Christian Tantra is probably a wild stretch of the imagination. Maybe even wishful thinking. These are just the ideas that I have formed over a lifetime of trying to balance the requirements of the church, the teachings of Jesus, and the truth of the world that God gave us.
Tantra Challenge: Empower your partner to masterbate in front of you, bringing themselves to an orgasm while you study HOW they do it, what they like, and the pattern of touch that brings them to ectasy. Everyone reacts differently to touch, and learning how your partner needs to be touched is an important step in forming a lasting bond with your partner. Most importantly, don’t be judgemental. Sex is not clean, or sanitary, and if you are surprised by what you see than use it as a learning experience. If for some reason you find that your partner’s means of pleasure is unsafe, use this experience is an opportunity to help your partner discover safer means of achieving the pleasure they require. Otherwise, simply use what you have learned to be a better partner.