U.S. Defense secretary retracts U.S. offer to help the Philippines

Ralph Ritoch

Were there ever days that I was this ashamed of being an American? I thought President Obama was the biggest threat to the U.S. and democracy I’ve ever seen, but it turns out he’s not alone.  According to an article in the Associated Press by Lolita C. Baldor  titled “Panetta: No China threat from US military in Asia” the U.S. Defense secretary Leon Panetta is retracting the U.S. offer to help the Philippines. According to the article…

“Panetta said Asian nations must find a way to resolve their own conflicts because the U.S. cannot always come charging in to help.

Well that is just shameful, and you thought Philippine politicians were corrupt, that’s nothing compared to U.S. politicians.  They are so worried about protecting their investments in China that they’re willing to sell out not only the U.S., but also the Philippines, and any other Democratic country that stands between them and their personal financial goals.  Goals which don’t benefit the U.S. at all, but instead leave thousands of Americans without jobs.  Obama and Panetta are selling out the U.S. to China at an unprecedented rate, in favor of Socialism and Communism, over Democracy all in an effort to increase their own net worth, and the net worth of their backers.

There is a solution though. We need to get rid of Obama.  Romney has promised to build up a U.S. military so powerful no one would dare stand against it.  That is exactly what the Philippines needs, a no-nonsense policing of the south china sea against all international crimes, including infringement of any countries sovereignty, such as what is currently happening around Shaol Island.  Help put an end to this corruption and support Mitt Romeny for the U.S. 2012 election.